GLBT Bookshelf

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Thursday, April 08, 2010

TBB & TBR ... and pictures

Yesterday I mentioned that I had a lot of books in my print TBR. I took a number of pictures using my handy-dandy cell phone and then with this other handy-dandy little device my husband has I was able to upload them to my computer. And now I can share them with everyone! Well, everyone that stops in anyways.

So here goes!

Shelf #1

Shelf #2

Shelf #3
Shelf #4

Shelf #5

Now granted there are overlapping sections, but it was the only way that I could show the scope.  Oh, and the shelves in picture #2?  The books are in two rows on each shelf... then I've got more piled on top.
And those aren't all of my TBR, but they're the giant's share. Sad eh?


  1. Wait, those are just TBR? Ok, you win. :) Although when I start to add in files... eep.

  2. lol... unfortunately those are only the print TBR. I did start to go through my ebooks, but stalled when shock nearly dropped me. *laugh*

  3. We are SO ready when the Great Book Shortage strikes!

  4. *gasp* Don't SAY that!

    I think I'd ... wow; that's way too scary to even contemplate. *shudder*

  5. Crap, I was just joking. Now you're going to go on a book buying spree and it'll be my fault! ;)

  6. ROFL.. well, I can't think of a better reason, can you?

    Don't think my husband would 'buy' it though. Heh... small bit of humour... very small.

  7. OMG! You definitely beat me in this contest, lol! For one I hardly own romance print books, I only buy them in ebook form. And that TBR is 'only' about 400 ebooks ;) Still, enough for when the Book Shortage strikes *g*

  8. Oh btw, the link to your blog that's in your Goodreads profile doesn't work... I think it's an old url?

  9. Hey Janna, ACK No... no talk of book shortages. You'll give me heart palpitations!

    OMG... no new books... Oh, wait, I'm a re-reader. I'd survive, but it sure wouldn't be as much fun buying new ones. We'd have to set-up a trade centre or something.

  10. Oh and thank you for telling me about the link... it's fixed!

  11. LOL, you have a vivid imagination. But I don't think I could live without new books either! Except with my TBR and reading speed (slow) I could survive for about 4 years, lol!
    Have a great weekend, hon! :)
