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Sunday, April 22, 2012

Hmmm, yes I haven't dropped off the face of the earth even though it may seem that I have. But I've also now decided to spend some more time here.

To herald my arrival back onsite I wanted to list all the books—the print books—that I've read over the last while; it's quite a list... uh, well, it would be except I can't find said list. *sigh* Has something to do with the fact that my 'office' space has been emptied.
But here's a few of them:

Finding Simon: Two Gay Doctors' Journey to Fatherhood by Kenneth B. Morgen—an enjoyable story with moments of heartache and joy.

I've also read numerous books from the following authors:

Josh Lanyon
Ethan Day
Victor J. Banis
Richard Stevenson - Love, Love, LOVE The Donald Strachey Mystery series
Anthony Bidulka - recently discovered this Canadian (and fellow prairie dweller) author's Russell Quant series
Jayne Castle
Drew Zachary - On Fire I and II

and I need my list to find the rest. *eyeroll*

I will be back! Promise.



  1. I hope you're enjoying the books, Kathy. Thanks for reading them.

  2. Thank you for stopping by!

    I am really enjoying the books.

    What's even better is that, because of my husband and his family, I recognise many of the places in Saskatoon. Not very often that happens in books I read.


  3. Good, I am glad you will be around! I decided to stalk you and found you here. Last time found you on Goodreads:-) How have you been?

    Tammy (the one you know from eHar, way back)

  4. TAMMY! Oh my gosh... it's sooo good to hear from you! How've you and your family been doing--other than time going by much too fast?

    I'm good; we're empty-nesters, again. Our youngest had been living out east in Halifax and was there for 10 months. She moved back, jeepers, almost a year ago now, but she's living up north in the Yukon where, even now, it's light 'til 9 at night.
    My oldest daughter lives there too, wth her boyfriend and their two dogs. So at least Teresa's not alone as she was in Halifax.
    But yeah, in some ways, it's harder this time.
    Doing some house renos... and trying to find an equilibrium. :)

  5. Exactly that....going by way too fast! The kids are now 14 (gulp!!) and 8. Keeping me busy for sure!

    Glad your kids are doing well! Wow, I can imagine it is light out very late in the Yukon area! What are the temps there?

    I am sure it was and is hard....I cant even imagine.

    House renovations! That, at least, is fun!! Still reading as well, I see! Are you still working with Silver Publishing?

    Take Care,

  6. Oh my gosh... NO Way!

    As for Whitehorse where Lisa and Teresa are, the temps in winter can get a bit colder than here in Edmonton--winter there is winter and it can get down to -40C and stay there for weeks at a time. They also get, and keep, the snow--a lot more than we did here this year.

    While the long days of light in summer are great, the short, short days in winter are not so great. But it's beautiful up there and the way of life draws people from all over.
    For me I'm more likely to be a love-to-visit-but-not-to-live-there person.

    Still--and always--reading and yes, still working at Silver.

    Do you still do any reviewing? I look back on my days at ehar very fondly. Not only for the experiences, but for the people I met; I still have a lot of very fond memories. :)
