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Wednesday, April 28, 2010

10 Things that make me happy

Okay, belatedly, I discovered that Ava March had tagged me for the 10 things that make me happy meme... fun!  And really I don't think that it's going to take me to long to come up with 10 long as all my brain cells are awake. *wink*
What to do:
  • List 10 things that make you happy.
  • Try and do at least one of them today. {Hugs}
  • Tag 10 bloggers that brighten your day and let them know.
  • Link back to the person that tagged you.

* * * * * *

  1. Having my family around
  2. Waking up early and then realising that I don't have to get up
  3. Hugs from my husband and kids
  4. Christmas Eve with my 'from' family and our 'made' families
  5. Being able to sit and read a book all the way through
  6. Seeing my gardens in bloom throughout the seasons
  7. Having an author reply to one of my reviews
  8. Someone loving a book I recommended
  9. Organising my shelves (sad I know)
10. Being able to enjoy my days and my life


  1. Fab list, Kathy! I especially like #2 - love it when I wake up and realize I can go right back to sleep :)

  2. Oh, see, and it made ME happy to see me commenting on your reviews made YOU happy! :) What goes around...and all that jazz!

  3. Hi Ava... yeah, I didn't put the list in any order - what came out of my mind went onto the list. But #2? Oh yeah, that's a good one!

  4. Devon, *laugh* I know, isn't that marvellous??

    And I'm very easy to please... simple things and all that.
